Pastor Paul Floyd
Pastor Gloria Floyd
Pastors Paul and Gloria Floyd are excited and humbled about this call to pioneer a Word and Spirit church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. They both come from Paducah, Kentucky, with Gloria’s roots in Mississippi, and have served the Lord in the local church for many years. They have served in the local church in various capacities for many years, from greeting and ushering, to leading the Men’s ministry, as well as filling the pulpit when called upon. They have been connected with Dr. Chris Cody and Pastor Amber Cody of World Harvest Church of Paducah for several years, and our ministry remains submitted to their mentorship and oversight.
It is vitally important for all Christians to have and maintain a relationship with (spiritual) parents. Pastor Paul’s journey of preparation has been one of testing, proving, and showing himself faithful to the call to ministry. His story is one of God’s extreme goodness, patience, mercy, and great love! He was moving and advancing him in the call. However, he was sidetracked and abandoned the Plan for about a decade. After a hard road of running from the Plan he was gloriously restored to the Kingdom and God in His Mercy helped Pastor Paul pick up right where he left off. Praise His Holy Name!
As he developed and matured in the ministry, the Lord revealed to him that he was to pioneer a Word and Spirit Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Our pastors have a heart for the Lord and to see people equipped to live a victorious Christian life. We believe in the unfailing Word of God and the moving and work of the Holy Spirit!
Our vision as pastors is to raise up a church with a regional influence, taking bold and unapologetic stand for the Word of God and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
WHCBG is on a journey – an adventure, to celebrate all that God has for us in ministry, community, and people.
Perhaps God is calling you to World Harvest Church of Bowling Green for such a time as this. Perhaps
God has sent you here, not just to be fed, mentored and equipped, but also to bring a
vital supply of your faith, prayers, gifts, talents, and resources, to help further the
vision God has birthed in our hearts.
Together we know that we’ll grow to become a mighty force for God in Warren County and the surrounding area, working together with other like-minded churches and believers, we know
God will have his way and be greatly glorified in these last days!